North Wales NQT / ECT Briefing

Published on: Thursday, 9th May 2024

Embarking on your NQT/ECT journey is an exciting but potentially daunting experience. As a newly qualified teacher (NQT) or early-career teacher (ECT), stepping into the classroom presents a unique opportunity to influence young minds and make a lasting contribution. However, navigating the complexities of your first teaching role alongside the demands of your NQT/ECT induction year can be challenging. Here’s where we step in with NQT/ECT Induction Support!

Excell Supply recognises the vital role we play in supporting educators during this crucial phase. We are renowned for our unwavering commitment to providing NQTs and ECTs with the resources and guidance they need to thrive. This commitment translates into a comprehensive support system, including a dedicated team of experienced education advisors like Mike Jones, who are passionate about empowering talented educators like yourself.

Our exclusive NQT/ECT Induction Drop-in Sessions are designed to equip you with the tools and confidence you need to excel in your first teaching position.* These sessions provide a valuable platform to:

  • Gain invaluable insights: Learn from seasoned professionals and gain practical knowledge essential for navigating your induction year.
  • Receive practical advice: Get expert guidance on completing your induction framework and overcoming any challenges you may encounter.
  • Build your network: Connect with fellow NQTs and ECTs, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where you can share experiences and learn from each other.

Understanding that not everyone learns in the same way, we offer both in-person and virtual sessions to cater to your individual preferences and location. Whether you thrive in interactive group settings or prefer a one-on-one approach, we have options to suit your needs. During the sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with Mike Jones, our dedicated Education Advisor, and receive personalised guidance and address any questions you may have.


Don’t embark on your NQT/ECT journey alone. Partner with Excell Supply and join our supportive community. Visit our website for more information and take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling first year in teaching!

Please note: Currently, our NQT/ECT Induction Drop-in Sessions are held in-person at our North Wales office. Stay updated on future Twilight Training Sessions by following us on our social media platforms (links provided).

Looking for your next teaching opportunity? Explore our diverse range of vacancies on our jobs board!

*This specific session is delivered in-person at our North Wales office.

Keep up to date with our Twilight Training Sessions or further NQT/ECT induction support by following us on FacebookInstagram, X and TikTok

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