COVID-19 Advice

Published on: Friday, 24th Jan 2025



In the first instance supply teachers should seek clarity from their employer whether or not they will be entitled to SSP


–       If someone is affected by Covid 19 directly or indirectly and unable to work, and has paid enough National Insurance over the last 2 years, then they can claim New Style Employment Support Allowance (ESA), which is not means tested;


–       New Style ESA claims can be made here:


–       If someone is unsure about whether they have paid enough contributions through employment to claim New Style ESA they are advised to claim both New Style ESA and Universal Credit (UC) at the same time. This means that if they do not qualify for NSESA they will not have delayed a claim to UC and missed out on any entitlement days;


–       Universal Credit is claimed online


–       If someone has not paid enough national insurance to claim ESA then they will need to claim Universal Credit which is means tested. In this instance the income of the whole household will be considered, including income from a partner or savings, and in some cases this may be a reduced or nil award;


–       Some schools will remain open for children of key workers, and supply agencies should work with their customers (Schools, LAs) to understand what support they can continue to provide.



The following information sources may also be useful:


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