Excell to walk up Snowdon raising funds for Macmillan

Published on: Tuesday, 18th Feb 2025

4The Excell team and candidates will be walking up Snowdon on Saturday March 22nd. MD Lyndsay Andrews has initiated the walk for a reason very close to her heart. She explains; “My sister in law lost her battle with cancer in December and her last few treasured weeks were spent in Derby Royal Hospital on the Macmillan ward where the support and strength of the nurses there have motivated me to raise funds for such a worthy cause”.

Each individual walker can raise their own money using either a sponsorship form or by creating a www.justgiving.com page. Collectively, once the walk is completed, we will pool together all of the funds raised in order to communicate to Macmillan, how much the walk has raised.

All are welcome to join us in March s if you are interested in taking part please phone us in the office on 01978 280 123 or email bronwen.biddle@excell-supply.com

Please see Lyndsay’s just giving page if you would like to make a donation!



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