Information for Learning Support Staff

Published on: Tuesday, 18th Feb 2025

Learning support staff in schools and further education colleges will need to be registered with the EWC (Education Workforce Counil) from 1st April 2016. This includes people who work through supply agencies, as well as permanent and hourly paid staff. For the vast majority of support staff, registration will happen automatically. The EWC will work with local authorities, schools, FE colleges and agencies to make sure this happens.

More information for school and FE learning support workers here-

How much will it cost?

For school and further education support staff -the registration fee is £15 for 2016-17.

How do I benefit from registration?

Being a member of a professional body (the EWC) will offer a number of benefits for you. For example, working alongside your trade union and other education stakeholders, the Council will:

-raise the status and standing of the education workforce
-improve public understanding of your contribution to education in Wales
-maintain public confidence in the education workforce
-promote professional development
-establish professional standards across the education workforce
-provide advice to the Welsh Government on education workforce issues
-promote recruitment to the education workforce

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