Our Mold Branch will be taking part in MacMillan’s annual “Coffee Morning” on Friday 27th September but with a slight twist…we’ll be hosting an afternoon tea!
MacMillan supporters have raised money since 1990 with cake-inspired events, and moving our fundraising to the afternoon will hopefully allow more of our teachers to attend after finishing at school for the day. The festivities begin at 3pm and we will be eating cake right through until 5pm. The Mold office has some AMAZING bakers, (we have all put on a few pounds since Kiera and Gavyn joined the team last September), so confirm your attendance now to sample some of Gavyn’s Rocky Road, Kiera’s Fudge or Mariam’s Brownies.
So end the week with a treat and put our baking skills to the test by taking part in our MacMillan Afternoon Tea. We would love to see you all there.